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buy, stream or both?

I use a music streaming app for 95% of my listening. I never thought that I would reach for my phone to satisfy my habit of exploring new music, with physical purchases becoming few and far between. I understand why there are mixed opinions in the music industry regarding streaming and I find it very interesting to observe the various marketing approaches. 

Below are two statements that I have made up.... 

Spoil yourself with a subscription

Listen to any song on demand

The first is how I feel about streaming; absolutely spoiled by the ability to explore music. It's like a record shop in my pocket. I don't like the use of "spoil" though as the word gives me the impression that the purchase is extravagant. I could change it to "treat yourself" but that would make me feel like I didn't need it, at best I may decide to treat myself (at a later date).

I like the second statement, it would entice me to read the text below or click to find out more. I could then elaborate on the service and address any objections.

I did recently purchase a digital download directly from an artist. A new experience for me; it reminded me that streaming can't offer a fan the feeling that they are close to and supporting the artist. This brings me back to the mixed opinions in the industry, too big a subject for me to write fairly about. My point is that when buying the download, the advert copy just said "new album". There was also a picture of the artwork. It was great; art and business coming together in a way that left no bitter aftertaste. Of course the artist couldn't offer "every song" but they could offer "their songs" and presumably also on their own terms.

Do you use a streaming provider? The unthinkable fear has to be that one day you could lose your vast library of songs that took you forever to compile. I have this fear and have therefore decided to aim for a good mix of physical and digital formats. The future of my collection must then depend upon whoever is able to sell to me most effectively. The labels, the streaming companies or the artist themselves. I can't help but root for the artists.


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